International Cooperation
School presentation
Benjamin Merlet and Max Monot.
You can join them at +335-497-422-32
or send a mail to and

Located in the beautiful city of Bressuire, France, our campus, a public school of the Ministry of Agriculture, provides courses in the areas of agriculture, food industry, laboratory and environment. Gathering more than 260 students in initial training and 150 in apprenticeship training. We rely on innovative and modern equipment to assure the best studying environment for our learners.
Campus Les Sicaudières offers professional and technological trainings in:
- Agriculture: The students learn the needful knowledges and skills to manage and run a farm
- Food industry: All the techniques and concepts used in food processing are taught
- Laboratory: We teach the content of their job to the future laboratory technician
- Environment: Students study how to analyse, create, develop and realize ecofriendly solutions
All our trainings are in French. This is important to have at least a CEFR level B2 in French if you want to join our courses.

In order to provide the most accurate lessons possible, the school has its own farm. The 88 hectares are used mainly as pasture for the 40 Rouge des Prés suckler cows and the 180 sheep. The farm is composed of 7000m² livestock building, rebuilt in 2022, and equipment such as tractors or trailers. We also installed 2 classrooms and one exposition room. The farm’s shop commercializes all the products produced and processed on our campus.
Dedicated to the practical studies, our food processing workshop also provides services for external persons and companies. The students learn how to manipulate the machine and meanwhile 2 employees work as service provider and teacher’s assistant. Working directly with the farm, the workshop process the animals bred on the farm to food the students eat in our canteen.
With 1 football field and one gymnasium, students can practice sports whenever they want during their spare time. The school library is open from 8am to 7pm every day to let the students read newspapers, magazines or books. The campus has 2 computers rooms and also tablets and PC available in the library.
Students can rent apartment on our site.

Erasmus activities and projects
Erasmus+ W
We participate in a consortium Erasmus + of agricultural school named ELANNA. Thanks to the help of this program, we already sent students and teachers abroad in work placements and trainings. We also had the great pleasure to welcome professionals from Europe who came to share with our students their work knowledges.
Erasmus+ Higher Education project
We really want to propose the same kind of experience for our higher education students.
Thanks to the charter, we have the opportunity to create cooperation with university in Europe and the rest of the world.
Erasmus + School Education
Thanks to our Erasmus + School Education accreditation, we can propose to our students to build pedagogical projects with students from all around Europe. We already started with students from Belgium and want to continue with Germany and Portugal.
Our courses
We do propose in our campus, university and high school trainings.
Our higher education trainings include:
Biology, biochemistry and microbiology won’t be a secret for you anymore if you join our BTEC BioAc. Once graduated, you’ll be able to find a job as a technician in a lot of biomedical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and waste treatment companies! This course includes a 3-month work placement. Discover more about it by following the link.
Become the best food science and technology technician thanks to our BTEC STA. This is an apprenticeship course. It means that you’ll share your time between school and a company. Download the information brochure if you want more information.
Your dream is to find a good job in the agricultural field, work with the nature and the animals, let’s study with us the course BTEC PA. This is an apprenticeship course. It means that you’ll share your time between school and a company. You’ll find a lot of information in the brochure.
BTEC Anabiotec
You want to work in a laboratory, do experiences, analysis and controls? We have the perfect course here in our campus with the BTEC Anabiotec. This is an apprenticeship course. It means that you’ll share your time between school and a company. Follow the link to download the brochure and find all the information you need.
Our high school trainings prepare our students to integrate our higher education trainings.
International partnerships
Since 2017 and the beginning of the development of international cooperation in our school, we met a lot of new partners and signed important memorandum of understanding with prestigious schools.
We have two different kinds of partners abroad:
The schools:
- We cooperate with Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Forestry for the TNLA (National Trophy of Agricultural School).
We cooperate with Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Forestry for the TIEA (National Trophy of Agricultural School).

We exchange students and teachers with Escola Epamacin Portugal
- We have close bonds with Scotland’s Rural College. We met a couple of times in order to share our approach on animal welfare. We use their MOOC to teach our students how to progress in this subject
The companies

We sent students in internship in different countries in Europe and all around the world.
We have partners in: Iceland, Malta, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium, Slovakia, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Netherland, Portugal, Morocco…
Our news
Students and teachers are very sad to see all their efforts and works cancelled because of the Covid19.
- We should this year send 8 students in work placements in 4 different countries (Italy, Scotland, Denmark, Morocco) with for the first time students in higher education students in laboratory major going abroad. We will work hard to give new opportunities in 2021
- We should have school trip in Italy and Portugal. Everything has been cancelled.
- We couldn’t welcome our Chinese friends during the TNLA. We worked hard to prepare this competition, a lot of exchanges took place between the students of the 2 countries through the social network. Unfortunately, because of the sanitary crisis, students couldn’t meet.
- Valentin and Matthias did a 4 weeks work placement in Danish farm. You can follow their adventure on this link:
- Evan and Antoine went in Germany to work in a small farm for 4 weeks. See all their activities on this link:
- During 1 week, 4 farmers from Scotland came in our school to meet our students and exchange with local farmers
- Thibaut and Thomas discovered the life of a Scotland sheep farm during 4 weeks. They share with you their experience here:
- We had school trip in Portugal and Netherland
Plateaux techniques

Ateliers Agroalimentaire
Cet outil, tel une entreprise à part entière, est au service des entreprises, des agriculteurs, des élèves, des étudiants et des stagiaires pour leur formation grandeur nature.
Un atelier de découpe
Un atelier de génie industriel
Un laboratoire d’analyse sensorielle

Ferme d'Application
Exploitation de 88 ha en polyculture élevage (bovins, ovins, volailles AB), productions garanties sans OGM, implantée au cœur du bocage Bressuirais en zone périurbaine
Un lieu d'apprentissage
Un lieu de démonstration
Un lieu d'expérimentation

Laboratoires d'Analyse
Nos laboratoires disposent de matériels performants pour l'enseignement scientifique.
Laboratoire sensoriel